Nutrition and mental health

Nutrition and Mental Health

Can Diet Affect Mood? The answer is YES. A growing number of research studies are finding a link between our diets and mental health.  The link between food and mental health is a new and emerging field of study that is changing the way we understand the connection between nutrition and brain function. Counselling can help you identify changes you can make and support you in making these changes to improve how you feel. Below is a list Read more…

Recipes to Improve Mood & Mental Health

Diet and Mental Heath: Boost your mood, manage stress, and improve symptoms of depression and anxiety. I have compiled a list of sites that offer healthy and nutritious recipes that are packed with micro-nutrients to support brain health. These recipes focus on incorporating ingredients that have been shown to improve cognition, boost mood, and improve symptoms of depression, anxiety, ADHD, and Dementia. I have provided a list of different sites to help you find recipes Read more…

Recipes to improve mood and mental health
Stress and your Brain

What Does Stress Do to Your Brain?

Stress has a significant effect on your mental health and brain function.  We have all heard of the negative effects stress can have on our health: Headaches Low energy Poor sleep Digestive issues Diabetes Muscle tension and aches Heart problems Skin issues And many others Stress has also been correlated with negative effects on our mental health which can impact our relationships, work, and quality of life: Anxiety Depression Low Mood Anger Inability to focus Read more…

How to Manage Stress

We have all heard how stress can have a negative impact on our well-being. But how do we manage it when we all know it can’t be avoided. The key is to have an arsenal of tools at your disposal. This is not a one-and-done type of approach. We need to think of stress management as a multi-prong approach where we have multiple tools we can pull from. Also, it is important to remember that Read more…

How to manage stress
What is anxiety

What is Anxiety

Anxiety is experienced by everyone. It occurs in response to stress, worry, or fear. Most people will experience some form of anxiety in their daily lives as a natural response to life challenges and worries. However, if unmanaged, these feelings of stress and worry can wreak havoc on our mental and physical well-being. So, although it is normal to feel anxious when we are faced with life stresses, it is important to learn how to Read more…